November 24, 2015
El’Achai – Peace and Freedom for all Peoples Association
The initiation journey of the Peace Train is history. Hereby we would like to inform you of how it went and how it is to continue. We are happy that you subscribed to the El’Achai News so that we can always inform you of the latest developments.
The picture shows the Peace Train on Thursday October 29th 2015 travelling across the Schwäbische Alp being pushed by an additional engine.
Phase I sucessfully concluded
The El’Achai Peace train has passed its trial test with success. We realized only a few days after the maiden journey that we, the El’Achai Peace train, had made the first big step. These were magical days, filled with wonders, happiness and fulfillment. For some of us the trial had already started a few days before. We travelled to the depot in Sissach on Monday in order to prepare the train. We cleaned, applicated stickers of the Peace Train on all sides, went shopping, etc. Days were long and productive, nights were short. Three days later, on Thursday morning, everything was ready. Very happy and full of joyful expectation, the crew members and the first peace travellers met on the platform. Right from the start the atmosphere was very familiar and then, suddenly the train started to move. It’s almost impossible to describe the feeling of that moment. Some of us had tears in their eyes. The kitchen and service crew did everything to make sure everyone was taken care of starting with a rich breakfast, serving a delicious midday meal as well as supper. At each station more people boarded the train and everything started to be come alive, to breathe. The joy of the encounters amongst us made us realize that it is precisely with this loving, peaceful and joyful mood tha we will be able to manifest everything, that nothing is impossible in this New Cycle on earth. In Ulm another 70 peace travellers boarded the train and later in Munich-East at least as many. Thus with a little delay, 220 people arrived in Rosenheim. The last miles from Munich to Rosenheim was a relaxed standing party including bar service and happy people. For those of you who were present – thank you. For those who were not – there will be a next time.
On Saturday the El’Achai Organization had invited 70 orphans and disabled children to take part in a day excursion to Salzburg. However other travellers also participated.
In some stations and all along the way, the El’Achai Peace Train caused quite a sensation. It was filmed, fotographed and there was much laughter. The loud “tuuhuut” made by the locomotive gave some people the goose bumps of their life and made them cry. It is this enourmous power that drives us onward and will continue to carry us. The Peace train will continue to travel until peace and freedom on this planet are no longer just words. This is why we invite you once more to be a part of it, to support the vision. We need every single beating heart, every well wishing thought and every single Euro.
And because pictures speak more than words do, we have expanded the website inserting photos and videos. Below the links:
news articles/tv report of the Peace Train
Youtube videos of the Peace Train journey
many photos of the maiden journey
many photos of the charity excursion to Salzburg
The Voice of Peace – The dream of Abie Nathan
Sensational documentary on Abie Nathan who for 20 years sent the voice of peace out to the world from a pirate radio on his ship in the Mediterranean. He transmitted to Arabs and Israelis equally. It’s quite possible that if this man had not existed our planet would have already turned to ashes. VIEWING ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED! Just google it. There are several snapshots on Youtube. The entire film is 90 mns long.
Phase II starts now!
It is now the moment to concretize the long peace journey to Jerusalem.
This requires coordination and structure in this New Time. It requires people who are active, want to help with words and deeds. Perhaps you feel called? Contacts via email pls : info(at)
On you can become a vision partner or make a donation. You can also find us on Facebook. Each like and contribution makes us happy:
Very affectionately yours, we send you a heartfelt hug
The founding members in the name of all members and vision partners