Rosenheim, december 13th 2018

Dear Subscriber of the official El’Achai News

We wish you a peaceful and heartwarming Christmas season. As a wondering child we stand together with you in front of the train that proclaims peace and freedom. Thank you for having subscribed to the El’Achai News.


But now some more events since the last newsletter, summarized, for you. May it warm your heart as much as ours.


The El’Achai peace train also runs in Jordan

In our last newsletter, we reported that the jordanian peace train was presented to a travel group in Jordan in April. During an association trip last October, another surprise expected the group. The train presented in April had not driven for 50 years and has been refloated again in honor of the Peace Train Project; it made a statement for peace during our visit in October and has driven unmistakably for one hour through the capital Aman all around the Jordanian royal house.

By clicking on the picture, you can watch the video:

From spring 2019 on, further trips of the Peace Train Association to destinations along the route of the Great Journey through 18 countries are planned and in preparation.

Bluestar 2 – the second set

Only a few days before the trip to the Middle East, the 2nd set of the Peace Train, Bluestar 2, was presented as a model. As usual we started with a picture, a model and a lot of anticipation – then it came true.


This set will be equipped with a new propulsion technology and will be used for longer journeys, including the Great Journey through 18 countries. The first set with the steam locomotive Bluestar 1 is intended for shorter trips. This train, which has miraculously found its way to us, will be transferred to its new home station in Sissach next spring.

Support the expansion of the peace vibration

Do you already know the youtube channel of the El-Achai Peace Train? There you will find 36 videos. By subscribing to this channel you make it possible to have a better listing of the videos on youtube and thus further spread the information about our project. Also every thumb up counts for the single videos.

And here you find the El’Achai Peace Train Facebook Fanpage:

The video of the interview with Uwe Maranius Fiedler about his childlike vision, from which the Peace Train Project emerged, has now been freshly subtitled in English. You may have English-speaking friends to whom you can forward this video.


From people for peace – every support counts



Please also support this heart project financially, through your membership, through a one-time donation or the purchase of high-quality clothing with a project-related motif.


For becoming a member/vision partner, you can apply online at

You can find the different donation possibilities here:

To go to the El-Achai Shop click here:!/

From the bottom of my heart, thank you,

The living El’Achai Peace Train


We wish you a healthy and happy year 2019

full of freedom and peace in your heart


The Board of the El’Achai Association

Isabelle, André, Johanna, Uwe